Savant Success Story: Contentsquare & Sephora

Ahead of the second edition of Savant eCommerce Stockholm, we brought together one of our partners, Contentsquare, and the market leader in make-up and beauty Sephora, to tell us more about the fruitful collaboration they started thanks to a meeting at Savant eCommerce Stockholm. 

Here’s what Anna Ljungfjärd, Digital Director of Sephora Nordics, and Lovisa Dahlbacka, International Account Manager – Contentsquare, told us! 

So, let’s start! When and how did you meet?

Anna: We met at Savant eCommerce Stockholm for the first time, and I’ll be honest, I had never heard of Contentsquare before!

Lovisa: Yes! We had a booth at the conference and Anna came over to talk to us! We also gave a keynote about our ways of working and empowering digital teams with data, sharing insights from our customers in the Nordics. I think that really helped to tease the audience about our solution.  

Anna, how and why did Contentsquare grab your attention?

When we met Lovisa at the event, we got directly a clear introduction to what we could do with the tool: I find very interesting how CS allows us to monitor performance almost in real time. This aspect was very interesting for us as we always want to continuously improve our performance. We wanted to have a tool that could measure performance, test content and back up our claims with solid data in a quick and lean way, being able to change content based on performance in a very short time span.

We want to be sure about our arguments when we propose changes to the HQ, and overall base our decisions on actual data.

Lovisa, why did you think Sephora was an appealing partner?

Well, we’re working with all kinds of industries but Sephora is definitely a dream client thanks to its role as leader in the make-up and beauty industry, well known also for its strong brand and e-commerce experience. Entering a new market with the trust of such a prestigious company was a great opportunity. Once we started talking with Anna, we saw how interesting it was to hear in detail the problems they wanted to tackle.

And how did you manage to tackle the challenges successfully?

As Anna mentioned, their main goal was to be sure about the data Sephora uses to back up decisions. Consequently, the first step was to train the team at Sephora: we chose together 4 different profiles to empower with data of specific use cases, making the data more distributed throughout different departments and not only in the hands of BI or Data Analysts. This way, different teams can form a broader and deeper understanding of problems, which is a key aspect of data-driven decision making.
Then, we started doing workshops together: Anna wanted to focus on the checkout so we had dedicated activities to improve the checkout process and gather valuable insights from it.

Anna, can you tell us more about the improvements you did with check out?

Well, we had a quite high abandoned cart rate, so obviously we wanted to find an effective and quick way to improve. We needed a really thorough analysis to prove our point and start with a test phase to improve and speed up the process, making it a strategic priority for us.

How did the collaboration start and evolve on a monthly basis?  

Lovisa: We started off with an onboarding period getting everyone up to speed, and certified in the tool . Throughout the partnership we have had weekly calls with Anna tackling new issues as we go, it is also a good way to get updates from Sephora but also informing them on new releases or events at Contentsquare.  If you want to work on check out for instance, we would have one workshop with the data analyst helping the client to understand what are the friction points that customers are encountering and how we can optimise their journey.

Anna: I can’t share results in detail, but I’m happy to tell you about an A/B testing we did with different landing pages, trying to test different types of content for a specific product range. We wanted to verify the performance of the content-based landing page compared to  the more “standard” home page: we saw very quickly that the conversion rate of the content based page was almost double than the home page one.

Lovisa: For us, this was a great case of collaboration as Sephora Nordics has been a very present client, participating in several of our events and client clubs in Paris and Stockholm, it’s been great so far! It’s really useful and inspiring for our community to have such a partner sharing insights and results!

You will both returning to Savant eCommerce Stockholm, Anna leading a round table and Lovisa with a
 thought leadership presentation on Day 1 and an exhibition kiosk. What are you looking forward to the most?

Lovisa: I think it was really a fruitful environment: we had very high level discussion with peers, prospects and potential partners in a really friendly atmosphere. Everyone was sharing e-commerce problematics and suggesting different ways and tools to solve these problems making the event a great way to be up to date with what’s going on in the industry.

Anna: I agree, it’s really a great moment to keep up with the latest trends and check what’s going on outside our company. It’s very interesting to meet and hear other companies and where they are standing concerning certain topics. It’s always easy to think that a lot of brands and retailers are so much ahead of you!
Truth is there are so many different companies are facing the same challenges you face, so it’s genuinely nice to share the different challenges and opportunities every company is facing!

Can we say that without Savant Events there wouldn’t be such a cool and fruitful collaboration?

Anna: Well, yes! I think I wouldn’t have met Contentsquare if it wasn’t for Savant eCommerce Stockholm!

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